
Closing my eyes and leaping into the unknown...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I love my job. I love the people that I work with and I have the ideal work environment. I am so proud of everything that I have accomplished over the past four and a half years.

I can't believe that I am about to say this but . . it's time for a new challenge.

Two weeks ago, an opportunity came across my desk that I could not ignore. I spoke with Robbie about it (and burst into tears just thinking about what I was about to do) and he told me that I would be an idiot if I didn't apply. So I updated my resume and cover letter, had Robbie look it over and then clicked Submit. I'm sure I broke into a cold sweat as my finger let the arrow hover over the button before I took the leap.

That was on Monday, Friday I was sitting in the office of the Assistant Vice President of Ancillary Services of Dalhousie University, talking about my job, my experience, my responsibilities and my approach to life. We talked about the job and what I would be doing. I wasn't nervous, I have a job that I loved and no one knew I was there so I almost had nothing to lose...almost. They asked me why I was interested in the job if I loved what I did and the people that I work with. The answer is simple, it's time for me to grow. I'm in need of a new challenge with more responsibilities.

I am about to take a huge step outside my comfort zone. In the next couple of weeks I will taking on the role of the Administrative Coordinator of DAL's Ancillary Services department. I'm sure I will ask myself "what was I thinking" when the semester starts and the students come back to campus and I face my new responsibilities without knowing what I am actually doing....I'm sure I will catch on.

And do you want to know what I am really worried about?

Who am I going to eat lunch with....

Guest blog part 2

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another guest blog for the IWK Foundation

Welcome to the world

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I am very blessed in my life to have amazing friends. Friends that I can call on to celebrate little victories and cry about things that just aren't going my way. Friends who knew about the second line on the pregnancy test moments after it appeared and before I was ready to share the news with the rest of the world. Friends who sat and consoled me when I didn't think I could feel more sorrow and friends who welcomed and celebrated my little boy's birth and supported me as my life changed forever.

Laura is one of my amazing friends. She and her husband John moved to Alberta a few years ago and I desperately miss her. I'll never forget the day she called and told me that she too was going to become a mother. It has been hard sharing this with her from afar and supporting her from Halifax when ever ounce of me wanted to be in Alberta holding her hand and telling her everything would work out.

Her precious little one arrived just after midnight on June 21st. I had asked him to arrive before 9:30am or after 2pm because I had our AGM during that time and wouldn't be able to answer my phone, and Elijah, being the sweet child that he is, graciously obliged. I wish I could hold him and be there to help Laura out and I am counting down the days until their trip home in the fall.

Laura is a great writer and she encouraged me to create a blog a few years back. Here is the story of Eli's birth, written so well by his adoring mother.

I miss you and can not wait to see you!!!


Guest blogging this week

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Check out my blog post for the IWK Foundation.

And now for some pictures!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Without further delay....

The New Deck! (Great job hunny!)

Austin melting in the heat (rocking a lulu headband)

The Great Ice Cream Capper 2010

Back in June we went to Kelly and Daniel's for a BBQ one day after work. Like responsible mothers, Kelly and I were watching the children like Hawks...until the wine started to kick in. We thought the kids were being a little too quiet... We looked down and saw that Austin and Aislynn had gotten the ice cream out of the freezer (note to self...bottom door freezer bad idea) and were eating it out of the container with their hands. It was incredible cute!

Running. I love this picture. I took it on my birthday while watching Austin and Clare kick the ball around the yard. I wonder if I have a little David Beckham on my hands...

More pictures tomorrow!

Out of my zone

Tonight I ran for the first time in about three weeks. I made it four laps before my legs just wanted to give out and my lungs almost exploded. I walked for 30 seconds before picking it up again. I'm mad at myself for letting my endurance suffer over the last three weeks. Between the heat and the rain I haven't been braving the elements to hit the track. This week I will get back on track (so to speak!)

Monday- run...done
Tuesday- mojitos (A visit from Annette trumps running!)
Wednesday- run in the forcasted rain
Friday- run
Saturday- yoga?

We're planning on heading to NB for the long weekend and that means we'll be hitting up Magic Mountain and that means I need to wear a swimsuit in public. So the next two weeks I will be hard at it!

Annette is coming for the day tomorrow and I am excited to spend a few hours with her. I can't wait to head to St. John's for a weekend this fall!!

Lazy summer my @ss!!!

So I haven't stopped since the beginning of June. I'm sorry I haven't written much. There is no way I could catch you up on everything in July but I'll give you a few highlights:

Happy Birthday Ani, Dad, Erin, Brad, Aislynn and the birthday twins RyLee and Clay  (I'm sure I am missing someone...)

Happy Anniversary Gordon! Thank you for 6 wonderful years. I am looking forward to all the years to come.

Austin's words are coming along so well. He is very articulate and then he rambles and we make guesses about what he is saying...sometimes we're right...mostly we're wrong. He is thrilled with his Handy Manny Tools and last night we all spelt with Pat the much fun!

I've got lots of pictures from our adventures and I will share them soon! I'm off tomorrow so perhaps while I wait for my friend's flight to land I will spend my morning blogging!


Monday, July 5, 2010

My favorite blog is play “In the Summertime” by Mungo Jerry as I sit down to type this out. What a perfect summer weekend/4 day mini-vacation we just had! It started out with this:

Austin’s first Sackville fireworks. We didn’t have a great view but he was thrilled with the lights and kept saying “More piddy momma!!”
G and I made a vow to video tape as much as possible before Austin starts talking like a grown up. He has already gone from saying “Tome, tome mommy” to “Come, come mommy” (This is especially cute when he runs up to me and grabs me by the hand and leads me to look at a bug or to reach his bubbles and chaulk…)

Thursday was Canada Day and we were up and at ‘em early…well okay 7:30 so really it was a sleep in. We took Austin to the Canada Day Parade on Sackville Dr., Austin loved the bubbles and music. After a pre-lunch nap, we hung out in the backyard “helping” daddy build the privacy fence, chasing balls and laughing at everything and anything.

(yes that is a sucker....)
Thursday night brought more of this:

And of course this:  Canada Day dessert with supper: I'll share the recipe good!

Friday morning Austin woke up at 5:30am and called out from his room. I would love to say that I heard the pitter patter of little feet but let’s face it…my child is a rugby player in the making. His little thuds soon led to two little hands on my mattress and then that beautiful blond hair peeking up over the edge. I pretended to still be asleep until I heard his little whispers "momma?? Up, bed?” The BEST way to wake up.

Monkey and I got up and made breakfast and coffee for daddy. He helped and tasted the raw pancake batter, declared it to be “dewishshis” and then was upset when I cooked it! We spent the whole day outside and it was glorious!

Saturday brought a nighttime campfire with new friends:

G completed our new deck on Sunday and we had our first company for a bbq:

It was so hard to get up this morning to go to work. Oh how I would love to be at home soaking up this amazing summer with this little guy!

Happy Day Canada- love Austin!

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