
Out of the Mouth of babes...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Earlier this evening:

Me: "okay Austin. It's time to say our prayers and then we're going to sleep. Now I lay me-"

Austin: "NONONONONONONO! I do it! Now we sit and sofwy say fank you for Amewea, for my mommy and daddy and for my baby sister. Haymen!"

Me (laughing a little at how cute he said his prayer): "That was a good prayer sweetheart, Momm-"

Austin: "I not sweat heart! I Austin Walter Paul BOOTWIER! Mommy you need to go to sweep now so Austin can grow and get his pool back and Toy Story 3 back and go pway wif his buddy Kieren tomorrow."

And the above conversations are the very reason I haven't given him away yet! And yes, I can spell. Read it how it is and you'll pretty much hear what I did this evening.

Gotta love him!!

Seriously?! A month old already?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm sorry but where in the heck is the  time going?! I just blinked and my newest baby is a month old already. How is this happening? Life is so full these days and I love it but I need to remember stop and drink it all in before a moment flies by that I miss.

Amelia turned 1 month old on the 3rd of July. She's already getting so big ( and by big I mean that with a fuzzy bum she fits into her 0-3month onesies!). Here is her first Watch me grow picture:

It has been a very busy month for Miss Amelia. She's been on her first playdate, first trip to the beach (sort of), first Birthday party, first Canada Day, first movie, first trip to the airport and first girl's night. These will all get their own posts as soon as I can get them written. Austin didn't have this much accomplished in month one because I was way to scared to take him anywhere and I didn't have any friends who were at home at the same time I was.

If June is any indication, it's going to be a busy year!

From 1 to 2

This month has been crazy! A good crazy, but crazy none the less. A few friends warned me that going from one child to two is insanely hard. I thought they were exaggerating..apparently not. The thing is that while you have this new little in the house, you still have the first born child expecting the same level of attention as before. It's stressful trying to fill the needs of two little people at the same time, thankfully at least one of them can tell me what they need (when they aren't too busy fake crying...oh they joys!)

It has been taking quite awhile to feed Amelia. Poor little peanut had a tongue tie and as a result wasn't able to nurse or take a bottle very well, so she was having trouble gaining weight. Her pediatrician referred her to one of the two doctors in Halifax who will clip a newborn tongue. So about two weeks ago we had the procedure done and the difference to her latch and in her ability to eat more efficiently was almost immediate! We're still supplementing but hopefully not for too much longer.

Today was my second day with both kids while G was at work. We had kept Austin at Kelly's until the end of June and I'm really happy that we did. He always has a blast there and it kept his routine in tact. I think that is a very big positive in this transition for him. It also gave me some one on one focused time with Amelia and I am very grateful for that.

Hopefully I will get back on track here with my blog. I'm getting better at one handed typing and am going to try to make more of an effort to make time to write and post pictures. Like these:

Sleeping Beauty

Coffee with Mom!
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