My mom actually came up over the long weekend at the beginning of the month for a visit before taking the kids back to NL with her. It was great having her here, especially because G was working ridiculous hours and I came down with strep throat and could barely keep my eyes open, let alone have the ability to care for the two littles! Thankfully Mom was there and stepped right in.
And then they all left. G was at the office working and I was on the couch, too hot to sleep, to cold to warm up and it was just too quiet. Now there are a few things I am not used to:
- Being so sick that I had to miss work
- Being in a quiet house without and children
- Sleeping for longer than a couple of hours at a time
I couldn't take the quiet and I was far too hot to get much sleep, so I turned to Netflix. I finished watching the Friends series and followed that with Pitch Perfect. I laughed so much I was in excruciating pain! But it was worth it.
And now I'm addicted to Nashville but without the time to binge watch, I'm going a little nuts trying to not look up online what happens next!
Gordon and I went on a date every night. It was refreshing to just be able to head out after work where ever tour mood took us. We had fun and reconnected and slept through the night. Gordon was even able to get a lot of work done on our kitchen and it is almost finished! 2 years and the end is in sight! I have cupboard doors!
It's a funny thing when you have little kids. You get in a place where everything else takes up every moment of your time- your kids, your work, the upkeep of the house..everything. And you crawl in bed at different times of night depending on when AA2 wakes up and how long it takes to get her to settle back down. And out of sheer exhaustion you realize that the only conversation you've had in two days was over daycare, lunches, what's for supper and a quick review of the day.
My parent's give us the most incredible gift every year. We have a full week to focus on each other. Nothing else needs out attention outside of work. It's amazing.
As much fun as it was to be DINKS, I really missed my kids and was happy to get on the flight to NL to see them. They greeted us at the airport with so much excitement, and it was just so great to grab onto them. Refreshed and ready for another 51 weeks!