What is clean eating?
Many of you may not be sure what Clean
Eating really means. With all the fitness and nutrition buzzwords out
there, it can definitely be confusing. Most people agree that Clean Eating at
its most basic definition means eliminating processed foods, additives,
preservatives and artificial sugars from their diet. Basically, you’re eating
whole, unrefined foods. Since you’re avoiding anything that has been altered in
any way, your diet will be filled with whole grains, fruits, veggies and other
wholesome, nutritious foods. Since 70-80% of your fitness results come from
the foods you eat, clean eating is a crucial part of your success. Plus it just
makes you feel better!
My NEXT Clean Eating Challenge Group starts on February 29, 2016!
I provide:
- 5 day meal plan
- Recipes
- Shopping list
- Daily motivation and fitness tips
- Optional purchase at cost: 5 day supply of Shakeology
1) The first is participation. No lurking allowed! You must participate in the daily check-ins and assignments. The time required is minimal, but follow-through is mandatory.
2) I’m game to help everyone but if you already have a coach (or are a coach) please let me know up front.
Comment below by February 25 to join this challenge!