
8 weeks, 2 days to go...we hope...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

So I have to admit that I have not been one of those happy, glowing pregnant people consistently throughout this journey. Don't get me wrong. I am in love with this child and am very willing to be uncomfortable to bring our little one into this world, but seriously! come on! Morning sickness has struck again, I can't sleep because I can't get comfortable and I'm so tired that it is only 9:20am and I am ready to go home and go back to bed. I feel sick and over heated. Come on October! Getting my body back will be so terrific!

On a brighter note...Gordon and I had an amazing trip home to NL. We had a couple of lazy days and then two party days and we spent a day in Gros Morne before heading back to Halifax. Mom and Janice hosted a baby shower and we were given a lot of great homemade blankets, some towels, books and a few other things. The wipe warmer was a pretty cool! My mother gave me a book called "Someday". If you have a daughter run out and buy it for her!!! It is the most beautiful book. It is a children's story book but I still can't get through it without crying. Part of it is hormones, part of it is that I really miss having my mom around. It's been very difficult to go through this whole pregnancy without having her physically close by and I am dreading the thought of brining home this delicate little newborn without my mother's help. We tried to time this so that the baby would arrive in the summer and my mother could come up but God had other plans and Pumpkin will be arriving in October instead. I know that I am extremly lucky to have close friends, aunts and my in-laws around but it isn't the same. Some times a girl just needs her mom...

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