

Friday, September 16, 2011

Our house has been anything but quiet these past few days. In a way I am enjoying the chaos that comes with the change of season but my soul is clinging to all things summer and I am attempting to squeeze every last moment of outdoor summer fun out of these past few days. Although given that it is so chilly this morning I may have to crack and wear jeans. Yesterday I gave into pants for all because it was laundry day and instead of facing 7 loads of laundry to get clean shorts, I through jeans on Austin, yoga pants on myself and light pants on Amelia and ventured out the door.

We've been busy planning a renovation and I am very excited to say that the wall between Amelia's and Austin's rooms will be removed this weekend and rebuilt to give Amelia a little extra space and relocate closets. We have a few more things planned but by October 1, I should have the upstairs done and redecorated. There is just something about that floor that doesn't say home to me. I never really infused personality into the rooms knowing that we'd be doing the construction some day. I've scored some great finds on the Internet and I cannot wait to unveil the end results. I'm especially excited for the kids' rooms. I really want them to have a space they will enjoy being in (because let's face it....once I go back to work and start paying for childcare for two they are stuck with those rooms as they are until they go to school!)

Want sneak peak of what's in store??

This past week I finally managed to get myself to Chapters to pick up a book called Mamarazzi. I know I am that annoying mother that constantly takes pictures of my littles...and I take a lot of pictures trying to get the perfect shot. So I invested in a book about photographing children to attempt to improve my skills and get more frame worthy these (only better! lol):

Yes Aislynn we all feel like that some days!
More playing on the agenda for today and I think I need to tackle the Mount Everest of laundry that is accumulating in the laundry room...unless of course the sun comes out and then all bets are off baby!

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