
Missing- Return needed

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My rose coloured glasses are missing. I lost them somewhere after Amelia was born and the summer of bad news began. I have to admit that the last three months have been beyond rough and despite having many moments of joy and enjoyment I am down. It's been hard to see the brighter side when friends have lost loved ones, people we know are sick and my own family has had a number of blows. I'm in a funk and am in need of a pick me up.
Leaving home is never easy and knowing it is most likely going to be awhile before I am back is hard. Before we left town we paid a visit to my Grandfather. I fixed the flowers on his grave and we said a prayer. Austin noticed I was crying and asked me what was wrong. I told him that I missed my Poppy. He gave me a big hug and told me that my Poppy would be right back and that will make me happy. He is right and that cheered me knowing that G and I are raising such a sweet boy. For a moment I thought I had found my glasses, but then we headed back to the house and packed up. As we pulled out of the driveway, my view was more pessimistic as it always is when I leave not knowing when we are coming back.

Don't get me wrong, we had a great visit with family and friends and knowing that we will see them again at Thanksgiving makes it a bit easier to leave but still it takes me time to get over it. I try to think on the positive side but I really dislike that most of my family is so far away from me and my babies. This blog remains a place where I try to post pictures and updates to keep friends and families up to date and for me to occassionally lament when I'm down.

In the next few days I will post pictures and our Newfoundland adventures but forgive me for being down. I'm looking for my glasses. If you've seen them, I'll reward you with cake pops for their return....


  1. I totally understand the difficulty of being away from home, especially during tough times. Just know your friends are so happy to have you back....and if there's anything you need, we're here!

  2. I talked to Baby K and she said she found what she thinks may be your glasses. She said she could return them to you if you would like a visit or would like to go for a walk. (or you could come visit) K also mentioned that it had been a long time since she had seen Amelia. You know how snuggles from Baby K can always help! We're here for you!

    Lisa and Baby K


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